[Image] In Memory of Freedom [Image] [ Prev | Next | Index ] [Image] I do not remember a time when I did not write. When my thoughts on beauty and death and life did not flow from my fingers to create worlds and universes uniquely my own. I cannot remember a time when I did not send my messages to other people, people I cared about, people I had just met, people I had never seen, people who read my thoughts and wrote back, giving me their thoughts in return. I do not remember a time when I was not proud that I lived in the great United States of America, where I could do and say as I pleased because my ancestors believed that a nation of freedom was possible, was worth leaving everything familiar, was worth dying for. [Image] But now I will forever remember that a group of professional politicians, drunk with power and setting themselves above the law that gives them their place, have chosen to ignore the principles on which their nation was founded. I will remember that my right to say and write what I please was arbitrarily curtailed by a government which violated its own Constitution. I will remember that my Congressmen, my Senators, my President - all those who were elected to serve and protect me - have betrayed my trust and the integrity of their office. I will remember that though we celebrated when the bastions of communism met their inevitible downfall, our government chose not to learn from others' mistakes and began taking the first, frightening steps towards totalitarianism. I will remember that when such measures were taken by my government, I was forced to an opposing stand to defend my rights. I will remember that here, on the one medium which is truly international, which trancends all barriers of creed, culture, geography and politics, I fought to maintain my country's rights. I will remember the intentions, some of which were good and some of which were products of power's seductive poison, that have paved this road away from our 'inalianable' rights. And when America is once again the land of the free, I will remember that, like my ancestors, I believed that freedom was worth any cost. [Image] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created on 02/21/96 Thanks to Arianna Reaves for giving us the words to express the true feelings of our hearts!